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Our Recruiting Coordinators

Sindee Snow
Club Director. Has been coaching volleyball for over 25 years. Sindee played for Florida Southern where she earned a degree in Sports Management. Her coaching experience includes high school, college and club. Original founder of OVA, later known as OTVA, and current founder of Game Point Events. She is a previous AAU volleyball chair and has been the tournament director of the AAU national championships and sun-shine state games, just to name a few. She has relationships throughout the collegiate volleyball community

Adriana Mclamb
Joined Game Point Volleyball for the 2020-21 season after coaching in DC, and previously in the Florida Region. Adriana graduated from Florida International University where she was a libero where she ranked 8th all-time in school history.
Her club accolades include AAU All American honors. All-Central Florida team, two years A2 USAV High-Performance Select team and played three years for Team Florida High Performance at the International Youth and International Women's level.
Contact: AdrianaM.GamePointVB@gmail.com