Parent volunteering
A season tends to be much more enjoyable for players when their is parent participation. There are numerous ways for parents to get involved. Their are various roles in which you can contribute
Travel Parent – This Travel Parent has the responsibility of working with the club travel coordinator to book rooms near the playing venue. The travel parent will book rooms for the players rooms and collect the amount due from each parent. Player parents need to be conscientious and reimburse the Travel Parent immediately so the Travel Parent never incurs any “out of pocket” expenses. If any parent ultimately does not pay the Travel Parent, the club will reimburse the Travel Parent.
Chaperone - This parent takes responsibility for monitoring the team on away trips. This parent ensures curfews are met, club and coach rules are followed, and players safely make it to and from the playing venue and meals. While at they play venue they monitor player whereabouts and attend to any players needs in the absence of their parent(s).
Food Parent – The Food Parent or parents, have the important responsibility of organizing all the meal plans and accommadations. Meal costs will be estimated in advance and funds collected from each player by the Food parent.
Breakfast is a critical meal and there are limited options. If it is a suite hotel that provides breakfast, that is the best option. Many do not open early enough so the parent will need to verify with each hotel. If breakfast not available they can make reservations at a local eatery. This option can be problematic as they need to feed a large group quickly enough to get to the play venue on time. Another great option is for the Food Parent to buy breakfast items in advance and have breakfast ready in their room i.e. cereal, fruit, bagels, etc.
Lunch is generally available at the playing facility. For better food choices the Food parent may work with other parents to have food delivered or picked up.
Dinner is determined by whether you play in the AM or PM wave. If you play in the AM wave, dinner reservations should generally be made at a restaurant from 5:00-6:30pm but not later as their is typically alot of teams also lookng to be fed. Most often players want to go out to eat the first night but just relax in the hotel on subsequent nights. On these nights, the Food Parent can arrange to have a meal brought in and waiting for the players at the hotel. This allows players to quickly eat, shower and get to bed.
Media Parent - Take photos or videos of game play or candid moments. Share on social media and with other team members.
Coaches may ask for other volunteers such as snack parent, communit service lead, etc.